How do I disable gifts on my profile?

BiggerCity profiles feature a Gift button which other citizens can use to send you virtual gifts. If you rather not receive gifts from other citizens, you can disable this option from your profile.

If you only want to prevent a particular user from sending you a gift, use the Block feature instead.

To manage your settings…

Android or iOS App

  1. Tap the More tab.

  2. Tap your profile photo.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and find Options, then tap Edit.

  4. Disable Allow gifts.

  5. Tap the Save button/icon on the upper right hand side of the screen.


  1. Sign in to the website.

  2. Click your profile image on the left side menu.

  3. Click Edit Profile.

  4. Click the purple pencil icon next to the controls section (Message, Call, Gifts, Flirts, etc.).

  5. Disable Allow gifts.

  6. Click Save.