How do I hide the distance shown on my profile?

The approximate distance between you and other citizens is shown on your profile by default. This is an integral part of the service to help you find other citizens near you, and it also helps them find you.

Disabling this feature will severely limit your visibility on the service, and other citizens' ability to find your profile. However, if you live in a country where discretion is a safety issue, disabling this feature may be a sensible option for you.

To remove the distance from your profile…

Android or iOS App

  1. Tap the More tab.

  2. Tap your profile image.

  3. Tap the Edit button next to the “Basics” section.

  4. Scroll to the bottom.

  5. Disable Show distance.

  6. Tap the Save button/icon on the upper right hand side.


  1. Sign in to the website.

  2. Click your profile image on the left side menu.

  3. Click Profile.

  4. Click purple pencil icon next to your home location.

  5. Disable the Show distance option.

  6. Click Save.