How do I fix the "No connection" error?

Frequent “No Connection”, or “No Internet” error messages within the app usually indicate that your internet connection is having trouble resolving the IP addresses to our BiggerCity servers. This can be caused by problems related to bad or slow DNS services provided by your own Internet Service Provider (ISP), blocks against “adult content” by your ISP, or incorrectly configured parental controls or firewall on your device.

A simple and quick solution you can try is to use an alternate service that provides safe, fast and efficient DNS for your Internet connection. We strongly recommend using Cloudflare’s service, which is free and it is used by millions of users and businesses worldwide (including us). It is a service designed to speed up your access to the internet, by enabling your mobile device or desktop computer to use the world’s fastest DNS service. It also gives you a set of safety and privacy features to prevent your ISP or other actors from snooping on your Internet activity to target you with commercial ads, amongst many other things.

You can install for free:



Desktop computer:

  • Find more information about how to setup your computer at: